Deluge client seed ratio
Deluge client seed ratio

deluge client seed ratio
  1. Deluge client seed ratio how to#
  2. Deluge client seed ratio install#
  3. Deluge client seed ratio upgrade#

"geoip_db_location": "/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat", You can use your favourite text editor to achieve this or can be done with a one-line echo command e.g.: echo "alice:M圜0mp元xPass:10" > /home/deluge/.config/deluge/auth Allow remote connections to delugeĮdit /home/deluge/.config/deluge/nf nano -wc /home/deluge/.config/deluge/nfĬhange “allow_remote” from false to true.

deluge client seed ratio

The auth file should contain lines with only ‘::’, replacing and with your choice and with the desired authentication level. The next step is to create a Deluge user for clients/UIs to access the daemon remotely. usr/local/etc/rc.d/deluged stop Add User to the authentication file Set permisssions on the script chmod 555 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/deluged Set the deamons run at startup echo 'deluged_enable="YES"' > /etc/rc.confĮcho 'deluged_user="deluge"' > /etc/rc.conf Start and stop the deluge deamon to create the default config files /usr/local/etc/rc.d/deluged start Webcommand_args="-f -c $required_dirs -L $deluged_loglevel -l $deluged_weblogfile" If thenĮrr 1 "You must set deluged_user to a real, unprivileged user"Ĭhown -R $deluged_user /var/run/$Ĭommand_args="-c $required_dirs -L $deluged_loglevel -l $deluged_logfile -P $pidfile" # deluged_weblogfile (path): Set to /var/tmp/deluge-web.log by defaultĬommand_interpreter="/usr/local/bin/python2.7" # deluged_logfile (path): Set to /var/tmp/deluged.log by default # deluged_loglevel (str): Set to "error" by default # deluged_confdir (path): Set to /home/$deluged_user/.config/deluge # deluged_user (str): The UNPRIVILEGED user to run as # deluged_enable (bool): Set to NO by default. # Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf Edit the startup script for the deamon to add deluge web interface nano -wc /usr/local/etc/rc.d/deluged

deluge client seed ratio

Uncheck the box for GTK and accept the defaults for all dependencies.

Deluge client seed ratio install#

In the command line of the jail create a user with the following command replacing with the User ID from the FreeNAS webUI: pw useradd -n deluge -u -c "Deluge BitTorrent Client" -s /sbin/nologin -w no Create a directory to store the deluge config files mkdir -p /home/deluge/.config/delugeĬhown -R deluge:deluge /home/deluge/ Install Deluge portmaster -P net-p2p/deluge Change the Shell to nologin and check the Disable password login box. Keep track of the User ID, you’ll need it later. Set the Username to “deluge” and set the Full Name to “Deluge BitTorrent Client”. If you are installing in a FreeNAS jail create a new user. Otherwise just run this command: pw useradd -n deluge -c "Deluge BitTorrent Client" -s /sbin/nologin -w no FreeNAS Jail If you are installing Deluge in a FreeNAS jail see the instructions in the next section.

Deluge client seed ratio upgrade#

Be sure to install or upgrade the ports collection and portmaster before you begin. To install Deluge with just the server and web interface we will need to install from source. We don’t want to have to compile all of the dependencies for Deluge so we will install portmaster and use that to install deluge from source and portmaster will automatically install binaries for dependencies if they are up to date. The binaries for Deluge include the GTK client and require a full GUI desktop environment which is overkill for a server or jail.

Deluge client seed ratio how to#

This guide will show how to install the Deluge bittorrent client in FreeBSD 9.x.

Deluge client seed ratio