Bootstrap growl notification angularjs
Bootstrap growl notification angularjs

bootstrap growl notification angularjs bootstrap growl notification angularjs

You can also specify handlers you wish to run when the notification opens and closes: You will need to close the notification manually using $growlNotification.remove(). You can use the native AngularJS ng-if directive to make this happen: īy default notifications are shown for 5 seconds, but you can specify the ttl in milliseconds for every notification individually: Ī ttl of -1 or false will disable the automatic closing timeout, making the notification permanent. Most of the time you will want to show a notification when some event occurs. You can now use the growl-notification (singular) directive to create notifications anywhere in your application: In most cases you should simply add it as the first element inside the body element: Ĭheck out the growl-notifications directive documentation for more information. This directive allows you to control where the notifications are rendered in your DOM in case your application requires special behavior. STEP 2: Specify where you want to render the notificationsīefore you can create notifications, you need to add the growl-notifications (plural) directive to your markup. The library is now loaded in your AngularJS application. Load the growlNotifications module in your AngularJS application: angular.module('yourApp', ) Most existing growl systems require you to add notifications using JavaScript inside your controller layer. Notifications logically belong inside the view layer of your application.

Bootstrap growl notification angularjs